Our factory has been present on the leather accessoires market for over fifty years as one of the most important handmade-bag factory in Naples, a place where there is a strong and old tradition in working leather products.
In 2004 the factory has begun an innovating process, through marketing strategies, focused on product and brand image repackaging. It has focused its attention on a young target, and for this purpose it has created very original collections, whose masterpiece is the helmet covered in leather in the most fashion colours and patterns that can be also be matched with bags and belts.
On the basis of market trend studies, the factory has developed an international strategic policy and has become a modern company whose products are distributed worldwide.
The participation at international fairs, such as "Mipel" in Milan, "Premiere Classe" in Paris, "Bread & Butter" in Spain, as well as advertising and promotion actions have brought ANDREA CARDONE srl to the attention of a large number of byers, press and distributors from all over the world. The company is characterised ba a young and friendly environment. Andrea, leader and soul of the company, represents the new management generation. Thanks to his creativity, tradition and innovation have found their common point in a product that is produced according to the 50 years experienced know-how, but following the needs of infashion and dynamic buyers