YAYA was founded in the Netherlands in 1992. Right from the start the company experienced the dynamic character of fashion and after a journey of almost
20 years, has evolved throughout the different stages of the business. Through this the brand has developed a sharp eye for fashion and has an open minded approach to ladies wear which appeals to the basic natural beauty of a woman.
Inspired by travelling the world and influenced by different cultures, YAYA has become a stylish, authentic Dutch brand with an international flair.YAYA believes in integrity and has proven to be a reliable partner.
YAYA just loves everyday life. The understated characteristic blend of natural colours, the hint of something special in every item and the perfect fit gives the wearer freedom to enjoy themselves and the moment. Self confident women feel independent and enchanting in YAYA and are able to flaunt their feminine finesse. Simplicity is the key but always with an added fun, feminine twist.